Ukugqamisa uhlelo
IntelliSight is a complete video management solution providing users with convenient, intelligent, real-time, and secure surveillance services. The system consists of edge AI camera, NVR&AI Server, Cloud Server, Desktop Management Software and Mobile APP. IntelliSight is the best choices for small and medium office buildings, retail shops, supermarkets, schools and other private and public area.
Ukucushwa Kwesistimu
Uhlelo lokusebenza
IntelliSight Ubuso bekhompyutha
•Ukubuka kuqala kweziteshi eziningi, ukusakaza okuyinhloko nokusakaza kancane ukushintsha okukodwa
•Thola ngokuzenzakalela futhi ungeze ngokushesha itheminali futhi wabelane ngokushesha ku-akhawunti encane
•Ukurekhoda okuguquguqukayo ngesikhathi esigcwele, ukucupha umcimbi nokuqoshwa ngendlela oyifisayo
•Umsebenzi we-E-map futhi uphume ngokuzenzakalelayo kuzo zonke izenzakalo eziphuthumayo
•Ukuphathwa komcimbi we-AI wokulawulwa kokuphepha komuntu, nokulawula ukuphepha kwemoto
•Ama-akhawunti wefu nawendawo amabili akuvumela ukuthi uphathe isistimu noma kunini noma kuphi
Windows 11, Windows 10 (32/64bit)