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How The Anviz Device Connect with CrossChex Cloud System?

Created by: Felix Fu
Modified on: Wed, June 3rd 2021 at 20:44 

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Please make sure the Anviz device has already connected with the internet and linked with a CrossChex Cloud account before you connect the device to CrossChex Cloud System. If you don't know how to make the device online, please check the FAQ on how to connect the device on FaceDeep 3.
Once the network setting is all good, we can proceed with the cloud connection setup.
Step1: Go to the device management page (put user:0 PW: 12345, then ok) to select network.

Step2: Choose Cloud button.


Step3:Input User and Password which is the same as in the Cloud System, Cloud Code, and Cloud Password.
cloud cloud

Note: You can get your account information from your cloud system as below picture, cloud code is your account id, cloud password is your account password.

Step4: Select the server 
US - Server: Worldwide Server:
AP-Server: Asia-Pacific Server:

Step5: Network Test
Note: After the device and CrossChex Cloud are connected, the How the FaceDeep3 connect with CrossChexCloud on the right corner Cloud logo will disappear;
Once the device connects with CrossChex Cloud successfully, the device icon will be lit up.
crosschex cloud
Please mail to if you have any questions!     
Anviz Technical Support Team